Cops are a special breed. I know. For the past twenty-three years I have had a front row seat among those who serve within the Police profession. What I have observed about most Po-po in Blue, is that they are cut from a different mold; a fun-loving yet serious prototype.
It takes a very unique skill set to serve well as a Police Officer. I mean seriously, how many people do you know who have the fortitude and wiring to proactively LOOK for trouble, PURSUE trouble, and then REMEDY what often is a very ugly situation?
The list is short.
Motorcycle cops are even more special. It is one thing to strap a gun to your waist and drive around in a 4-wheel, armored cruiser. It is entirely another thing to do your job from the back of a two-wheeled, crotch rocket.
How would YOU like to have the kind of job that PAID you to ride a motorcycle?
Sounds like heaven to me.
Oscar Reyes was a motorcycle cop for the City of Costa Mesa. As a thirteen year veteran. he had the kind of personality and professional aptitude that made those of us around him better. He was THAT kind of a leader.
As a motor cop, Oscar and I shared a love for motorcycles. The last time I saw him, he was riding HIS street bike; and I was riding mine. In our text message exchange later that day, his final two words to me were,
“Be safe!”
THAT is just the kind of advice you would expect to receive from one of Costa Mesa’s finest.
A few days later, on Wednesday, September 12, my Police Department family said “Good-bye” to Oscar. He died surprisingly from a heart attack. He was 43 years young.
As a Police Chaplain, it is my responsibility to help care for our women and men in Blue. With Oscar’s passing, though, I have come face to face with the reality that I too need the support of others.
I am writing this BLOG post to say “Thank you” to ALL of you who helped honor our friend and colleague these past few weeks. Since Oscar’s death, our Costa Mesa Police family has been inundated with support from outside Agencies and individuals. The overwhelming encouragement we have received has been incredibly uplifting.
The following video clip helps highlight the community love and solidarity extended to our CMPD family for which I am grateful.
As you might expect from a Police Chaplain, I ask that you would CONTINUE to pray for our department; and ESPECIALLY support Oscar’s three surviving children; ages 15, 14, and 10. The days ahead for Oscar’s kids will undoubtedly be hard ones. But with your love and steadfast vigilance, the impact of their Dads life can live on.
For those who want to contribute financially to a Scholarship Fund set up for Oscar’s children, I encourage you to do so HERE.